A photo of a baby alpaca

Some Facts About Alpacas
We are NOT Llamas!  LOL

Alpacas are members of the camelid family indigenous to South America. They are mild-tempered and inquisitive by nature. When calm, they will approach people to sniff their faces to investigate. They hum to communicate and are very observant of human behavior and always seem most interested in children. They have a strong tendency to band together and are easy to handle due to their docile behavior. Alpaca are easily transported for shows and sales.

There are two different breeds: Suri and Huacaya. Physiologically, both types are identical, but the difference between the breeds lies in their fiber structure.

  • Alpaca fiber is a specialty fiber.
  • Alpaca fiber is hypoallergenic.
  • Alpaca fiber is naturally flame retardant, warm and durable.

Alpacas have 1 cria (baby) at a time and the gestation period is 11 months. Females can be bred starting at around 2 years old. A male alpaca does not generally begin breeding until 3 years old.

  • At birth the average cria weighs 12-15 pounds.
  • Stands within 45 minutes and nurses shortly after.
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